
School Participation welcomes applications from schools interested in employing one our Qualified Teachers or Teaching Assistants. Schools who employ one of our teachers must: 

  • Provide private accommodation for the candidate.This can be in a shared staff house or private apartment. Sharing a room with another member of staff is sometimes acceptable
  • Agree to the program's conditions which specify that:
  • Limit teaching to a maximum of 36 hours per week for junior teaching assistants and 55 hours per week for teaching assistants or Qualified Teachers. Teaching assistants cannot be expected to take classes on their own or lesson plan. They can however take one to one conversation lessons or one to one lessons to give extra help for students 
  • Give the candidate a minimum of 1 day off per week for junior teaching assistants and 1 and a half days off per week for teaching assistants and Qualified Teachers.
  • Pay the candidate a minimum of £170.00 pounds sterling per week for junior teaching assistants, a minimum of £210.00 pounds sterling per week for teaching assistants and a minimum of £400.00 pounds sterling per week for Qualified Teachers
  • Give the candidate one complete weekend off per month (Friday evening to Monday morning).
  • Give the candidate one month off with regular salary after one year's stay (shorter stays are calculated pro-rata).
  • Pay the candidate a travel contribution of £200.00 on conclusion of the agreed length of stay  
  • Pay the candidate a completion bonus equivalent to one week's salary on conclusion of the agreed length of stay
  • Agree to abide by the program's regulations and to meet obligations undertook with the candidate (set out by the school in the application form).
  • Pick the candidate up at her/his point of arrival on arrival
  • Give at least two week's notice to terminate the agreement early.

"Great experienced teachers supplied by a company you can trust to get the job done."  ---Rita Prisano, Director (Paris, France)