Duties & Responsibilities
The Au Pair
- You will provide your host family with responsible child care for an amount of hours which vary from family to family. As an Au Pair for a maximum of 6 hours per day for a maximum of 6 days per week. As a Mother's Help or Nanny for a maximum of 8-10 hours per day for a maximum of 5 and a half days per week. This time will be spent in duties such as feeding, bathing, driving if requested the children to school or to various activities and playing with the children. You will also be asked to do some evening babysitting whilst the children are asleep.
- After your application has been received you will see various family offers on your dashboard where all the conditions are set out and on acceptance of an offer you accept all conditions specified in it.
- Your duties will be centered on the children's needs and usually you will not be expected to do a lot of housework. Most host families have other domestic staff. As a family member, you will be expected to do your share of the family chores.
- You will be expected to take your child care responsibilities seriously. In the event of a conflict our coordinator will be called upon to assist.
- In the unlikely situation where you feel uncomfortable with your family, we will arrange for your placement in another host family.
- If you do not complete your agreed length of stay you will be required to pay your own fare home.
- If you do wish to leave your host family before the completion of your agreed length of stay you are required to give 2 week's notice. If you fail to do so your host family can keep 2 week's of your pay.
- All our services are completely free of charge.
- You are responsible for your own travel costs
Above all we hope that you will fully immerse yourself in your child care duties, grow to love the children you care for, make new friends and experience a new culture, learn new skills and spend a wonderful time abroad which you will remember for the rest of your life.

The Host Family
Your host family will sign a contract with us undesigning to keep to all of the conditions set out in the job offer.
Once you have been placed in a family, we will provide you with an information pack and contact details of other candidates working in the area
The host family will welcome you into their home as an equal family member and not as a servant or boarder.
The host family will provide you with full board and weekly or monthly payments as stated in the job offer.
The host family recognizes that a primary aim of the program is to give you an in-depth knowledge of their country's way of life and culture by sharing their lives with you.
You'll receive min 1 full day off each week, some evenings off plus a full weekend off each month (Friday evening to Monday morning). Full details of time off and hours of work are set out in the job offer.
You will receive 4 weeks holiday pay after the completion of 12 months. Part of this holiday pay can be taken as paid leave during your stay at mutually agreed times. If you have agreed with your host family for a shorter length of stay, holiday pay is calculated pro rat
You will have a private room in the family's home. A more detailed description of your accommodation is set out in the job offer.
We will on the advice of our coordinator, remove you from an exploitative situation and place you with a different family.
If your host family wishes you to leave before the termination of your agreed length of stay, they are obliged to give you 2 week's notice. If they fail to do so they will have to give you 2 week's extra pay.