
Family Profile


Ref No. F00319/15

Family Details

Nationality: Italy
Marital Status: Married and living together
Religion: Catholic
Profession-Husband: In Commerce
Profession-Wife: In Commerce
Languages spoken: Italian
Names and ages of children: Anna 16;Sofia 11;Linda 6
Description of home and locality: 300sqm country village connected by bus that connects to the train station located 6kms away.
Other help kept in home:
No. of hours worked weekly of other help: 40

Family Address Details

City: Piantedo
Country: Italy

Candidate Preferences

Type of help needed: Mother's Help
Approx starting date: ASAP
Length of stay: 6 months
Would you prefer a candidate:
who can cook?
who can swim?
who can drive?
who is a non-smoker?
who has experience with children?
who is mother tongue English?
Will the candidate be expected to do housework for the family?
Does your family have any special needs:
Will you accept a candidate who smokes only outside?
Do you need a candidate who speaks a particular mother tongue?
Does the candidate need to speak any foreign language?
Will you give use of a car?
Will you give use of the internet?
If no candidate was available for 1 year would you take someone for 6 mths?
Description of candidate's accommodation: Private double bedroom with bathroom with shower
Approx hrs of work: Morning from8.00 to 12.00
Afternoon from14.00 to 18.00
Total daily hours: 8
Duties: Tidying up, general housework, do the laundry in the mornings. In the afternoon play with the children and make sure the children do their homework. Do sport with the children (swimming, roller blading, bike riding) and other outdoor activities. You should be willing to go with the family to their holiday home in the mountains (1200 meters).
Time off: 2 days
No. evenings off: 5
Weekly salary: 320.00 Euro
Is salary negotiable?

Other Family Information

Family's interests: Their business. They own a clothes shop.
Where do you go on holiday?: Seadide/mountains
Do you have any animals? No
Any other relevant information which you feel is important: The children go to school on Mondays and Thursdays from 8.00 am to 4.30 pm. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8.00 am to 12.40 pm. The school is located 1km from the family's home. A car is available. It is not always necessary to take the children to school. We are looking for a candidate who is happy, energetic, lover of the simple things in life and well educated and who will give added value, morally and culturally to our children. She needs to be a non-smoker and obviously with references and reliable.

Job Description

Piantedo, Nr Sondrio, North Italy. Mother's Help needed for family with three children, Anna 16, Sofia 11 & Linda 6. Religion: R/C. Both parents are in commerce. They own a clothes shop. They live in a 300sqm home in a country village connected by bus to the train station which is 6 kms away. Other help kept: a housekeeper for 40 hours per week for the heavy housework. Requirements: Ability to Cook/Swimmer/Driver/Non-Smoker/Experience/English Mother Tongue/Willing to do Housework. Use of car and internet given. 6 month placement. Accommodation: own private double bedroom with private bathroom with shower. Approx hrs of work: 8.00 am to 12 noon. 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm. Total daily hrs: 8. Duties: in the morning general tidying up, some housework, doing the laundry. In the afternoons play with the children and supervise that they do their homework. Do sports with the children (roller blading, swimming, bike riding) and other outdoor activities. You should be willing to go with the family to their holiday home in the mountains at 1200 meters. Time off: 2 days and all evenings. Salary: € 320.00 p/w, net, negotiable (around £ 240.00 p/w, at the current rate of exchange). Family's interests: their business. The family go on holiday to the seaside and mountains. The region is famous for wine production.

Family Photos

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